project 4

  • Client:Client 1
  • Location:London
  • Planning and detailed design of scheme for delivery of sewage effluents from the aeration ponds of the town of Ashkelon for irrigation. Facilities included : Pumping station consisting of 3 units with a total design capacity of 900 cu. m/hour against a head of 90 m;8 km.long, 16 diameter pipeline delivering the effluents to a clay blanket storage reservoir with a capacity of 1.6 MCM and entailing 600,000 cu m of earthworks.
  • Design of regional project for interception and storage of storm run-off in the Nahal Lakhish Catchement Basin, inclusive of preparation of irrigation designs for area totalling 2,500 hectares.
  • Planning and design of a system for collection of sewage, storm run-off and drain waters of the HOF HACARMEL region. Total annual system capacity, 4.2 MCM Construction cost : 4 million $.

Wastewater collection, treatment and disposal.
Effluent storage and reuse for irrigation.
Regional and municipal water supply.
Wells and pumping stations.
Flood control and storage.
Fresh and saline water ponds for aquaculture.
Rehabilitation of Quarries.
