
As society’s waste stream grows larger and more complex, preservation of public health and the environment requires thoughtful innovation in wastewater engineering and treatment processes. BEREJIK ENGINEERING has long been at the forefront of this innovation, maintaining the industry’s top expertise in biological nutrient removal, high-rate disinfection, and advanced membrane processes, as well as traditional primary and secondary wastewater treatment.

We have helped clients develop new, technologically-advanced wastewater treatment plants from less than one to more than 15 million gallons per day (mgd) capacity, each uniquely designed and built to meet specific desired outcomes. Just as often, we have assisted in the rehabilitation, upgrading, and expansion of existing plants. Our engineers are skilled in maximizing the use of existing structures and equipment and our careful project sequencing keeps plants in service during the phase-in of new facilities.

Through decades of experience assisting numerous treatment plants through various levels of upgrades, we have developed a state-of-the-art, site-specific approach to process modeling and design. Our knowledge enables us to determine the most appropriate technology to meet any individual plant’s needs, accounting for process optimization, regulatory compliance, and energy efficiency.

BEREJIK ENGINEERING has also planned, designed and managed the construction of numerous sludge management facilities for both new and upgraded plants. These facilities range from lagoons to advanced sludge dewatering systems that yield the greatest possible disposal efficiency of plant residuals. Effluent, residuals and biosolids can often become an asset through any number of beneficial reuse options. From vast agricultural irrigation systems, energy generation facilities and aquifer recharge fed by treated wastewater, to fertilizer production from treated sludge, these reclamation and reuse projects can address both resource demands and market potential.

  • Givat Brenner - Municipal Waste water treatment plant

    Givat Brenner - Municipal Waste water treatment plant
    Four municipalities in the lowland of Israel united in order to construct a conjoint Wastewater Treatment Plant – non existent beforehand.
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  • B.S WWTP

    B.S WWTP
    - Serve Beit Shemesh, Matee Yehuda regional council, Abu-Gosh & Har Adam.
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